I feel so empty yet so full. The Klaus story has finally come to a close after 13 years. My journey started all the way back in 2016 with the 1st and 7 years later here I am at the end. This was the perfect send-off. It's over. I can't believe it's over...

Everything I've felt during my journey of this series has become so dear to me. Each and every one of the games, DLC and story means so much to me beyond words. What I experienced in this final act is beyond anything I can say. Only a few things have ever reached this (ex: Pikmin)

This DLC truly embodied everything that had happened and gave us Xenoblade fans that went through all the stories, developments and twists to give us the vindication like I've never felt before. The pay off is unimaginably satisfying. I think this might be my new favorite series

For the longest time I thought nothing for eternity would ever surpass Pikmin for me. It was my true gateway to video games, which made me fall in love with the medium. But Xenoblade... It's like I've been put back in that position again all anew as a little kid. Wow. Just wow...

I think before I truly decide this I want to play through both Pikmin 4 later this year and Xenoblade Chronicles X. THEN I will make the final judgement call. It feels weird that after 2 decades I'm finally in a position where I'm debating to change my favorite video game series

Those credits... Those credits broke me in every single way. I'm just there watching them roll. Water in my eyes overwhelming me as I say "it's over..." Over and over again. I'll remember this for the rest of my life. This series has impacted me more than I could've ever imagined

Overall, yes the DLC is fantastic and every bit worth the wait. I forgot to mention that I also loved all the qol features and additions. It felt like an even better refinement of the base third game's systems and mechanics. I just wish it had been a bit longer but I'll always cherish what I got

Reviewed on May 20, 2023
