+I really like michael biehn as lead voice actor for this game, and his attempt at being gruff while sounding completely shitfaced the whole time. dunno if that was on purpose or not but it makes some of the quips more bearable
+scenario is good, with some cute setpieces and locations
+the open world is there if you wanna explore it but the story missions are absolutely accessible without having to run all over the map, which I greatly appreciated
+performance is solid on ps3, sort of an unsteady 30fps which sounds bad but in comparison to far cry 2... that game had sections like a slideshow lol
+the blood dragon aspect is neat, with these large enemies you can easily hide from and enrage to kill any enemies around them. underutizled, but still neat

-enemy variety is terrible, and it feels like everyone is a bullet sponge as well
-the world itself doesn't feel very cyberpunk... it's just far cry 3 with scanlines and red fog lol
-I've heard the newer far cry games are better pure shooters than the early ones, I wouldn't know, but to run this game on far cry 3's engine while also trying to pretend it's a fast-paced fun linear shooter. walk speeds are horrendously slow and the gunplay feels stiff and lifeless. I don't mind this as much when playing a normal far cry because those have a stronger focus on exploration, stealth, etc. but it becomes readily apparent here (especially in the arena area)
-I get the retro thing they're going for with the cutscenes but why are they so small... and why did I have to sit through a very long one with a sex scene part of the way through lol

fun for a few hours, not amazing or even really good but at least at the end it was fun to mow enemies down with the killstar laser weapon, and overall I was satisfied. don't think I'll ever touch the open world stuff but solid otherwise

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2021

1 Comment

You know it's funny, you're like the second other person on here to say the enemies are like bullet sponges, yet here I was thinking they were too easy to mow down. Do agree with the call-out on the linearity though, the backend of Base 3 was the worst part of that game and it continues to be the worst part of this expansion.