+given how limited the wii controls are they really nailed the amount of options the player has. granted, some of them tied to motion controls aren't precise (differentiating between vertical and horizontal slash is very poor) but these moves are optional anyway, and you still have plenty of both melee and chainsaw movies to pull off, as well as jumping attacks, a dodge (with a perfect dodge ability) and plenty of new weapons strewn throughout the stages.
+the score attack setting is perfect from a gameplay perspective to squeeze as much fun as you can out of each arena, and the drip feed of weapons, items, stage hazards, and bloodbath challenges give enough direction beyond just "kill until the boss appears." it helps that the stages have plenty of nooks and crannies as well
+bloodbath challenges are very satisfying; it was smart of them to lean into the minigame-friendly aspects of the wii to get huge score bonuses and further increase the carnage
+the overall difficulty is not anywhere near as high as a typical platinum game, which I imagine was done on purpose both to pull new players in as well as smooth over the wii's deficiencies as an action game platform. the dodge's i-frames are generous and deaths instantly respawn you right where you died (tho you only get a couple lives per stage)
+the game somehow leans into insanely-crass 00s culture in a way that isn't off-putting while also centering the story around themes of America's craving for violence and the decadence of the ruling classes. it helps that jrpg yasumi matsuno wrote the plot; I never expect much from action games like this but he really nailed it

-some of the QTEs are way too physically demanding, specifically the ones where you have to shake the wiimote and nunchuck. it really put me off of playing this game too often
-I don't necessarily mind the announcers but there isn't enough dialog for them to be always talking. you can easily hear the same exchange twice within two minutes
-this game really hurts from lack of camera control. the only option is a recenter button, which is also shared for lock-on (the lock-on is very poor)
-using in-game time this took me less than 3 hours to beat. I wasn't expecting a long game by any means, but it's really short
-the boss design is actually good but the main way of dealing damage to most of them is just executing a QTE sequence, and you generally have to do it a few times. would rather just fight the boss normally, maybe with a QTE sequence at the end

this game's framing and combat makes me imagine if no more heroes hadn't been a very small-scale project by a team not accustomed to action games. it's purposefully more relaxed than some of platinum's other output and was honestly a great debut for such a new developer, even if the sales didn't end up being great. the content has not aged well for a mainstream audience and the motion controls would need to be mapped to a controller somehow, but it would still be very cool if this got rereleased on modern platforms

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2021
