peculiar and hysterical and barely holding itself together! Some serious Deadly Premonition vibes. I love how many sprawling role play dialogue options there are that let you be a child-bullying money-hungry lesbian megalomaniac cult member during this horrific incident of mass carnage and how literally none of your choices matter all that much! I wouldn't have it any other way--the absurdity in many of the "choices" you're presented with are a delight on their own, there's no follow through needed. love 2 be a misanthropic little troll fashionista and nonchalantly parade around in the rubble of millions of lives, negging everyone in my sushi chef apron/ten gallon hat/heart sunglasses power uniform while every NPC questline still somehow works out great for me and gets me EVERYTHING my pampered princess survivress heart desires <3 I also am a huge fan of games with an "I need to go peepee poopoo" status icon, especially ones like DR4 that use it as an empty threat--I made it a personal point NEVER to shit during my playthrough and if there were any negative repercussions for doing that they were way too miniscule for me to notice

The many-year development struggles this game went through are very apparent: barely any of the mechanics amount to anything or even exist beyond UI element suggestions, and the game jerkily alternates between somewhat successful moments of tiny human connection (exploring an interpersonal framing of Japan's very real earthquake trauma) and complete absurdist nonsense that feels like a zany Benny Hill skit. The overall effect is disorganized and busted and incredibly charming.

absolutely adored my bizarre time with Disaster Report 4: Miracle Water!!!!!!!!!

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2020
