I first played thru "Gone Home" when it was released. I was as... blown away... as most everyone else was. Flash forward nearly a decade later, and yeah, I have to admit I was either buying into critical opinions or just wasn't seeing the issues here. This is not a game. It's practically a visual novel with a graphical interactive user experience tact on. It's not even creatively laid out either. You just find pieces of paper around a house that explain the back story, but the only driving force is finding out what happened and why the house feels kinda creepy. However, when the big reveal happens that it's a lesbian love story and there was family turmoil I felt kinda fooled, because the game feels like a bait and switch and even taking the relationship on its own terms it doesn't feel very well realized. It just felt like the LGBT trappings were a gimmick that would get the game a lot of press. Which to be fair, it did back then. Now it doesn't work as well.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2022
