Man, the nostalgia from this game, I remember waking up earlier just to play it before going to school. But putting nostalgia aside and talking about the game itself, it's a very okay game, but therein lies the issue—it's just very okay. It's not bad, but it's also not very good.
The gameplay is standard, nothing to complain about, but it gets repetitive fairly quickly, as it mostly consists of going into a room, fighting enemies, moving to another room, and the cycle continues.
The level design of the stages is somewhat repetitive, besides the music, I didn't feel a big difference between them, although Chapter 2 undoubtedly has the best level design, with stages varying significantly from each other. But something that frustrated me while playing is that the stages are VERY long. I don't know if it's because I played the entire game at once, but seriously, it gets really tedious to play after a while. By the beginning of Chapter 3, I was mentally begging for the game to end, especially since there's not much incentive to collect the collectibles, as they only unlock some outfits that you can only use after completing the game. From that point onwards, I started rushing through the game stages.
The story is pretty standard; one problem for me is that the characters only get about two minutes of screen time, so there's no real development throughout the entire game. Another issue is that the characters make jokes that aren't really funny, and they even add canned laughter (something I've never seen in a game), it felt like I was watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory.
So it might seem like I hated the game, but I don't know, the only thing I really didn't like was the length of the stages. Some stages last around 20 minutes, which makes them really tedious. Other than that, the game is just very okay. I guess my inner child expected more than it really delivered...

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
