The story takes place in a brutal fantasy world called Tiers. Long ago, a dark godlike creature known as Kyros defeated the armies of mortals, killed their heroes and took control of the entire world as a tyrant. The triumph of evil was absolute and final, so nothing the players do can change it. The main protagonist of the game is someone who takes advantage of the situation. The player takes on the role of an officer in Kyros' army, serving as judge and jury for the common people and ensuring that the tyrant's will goes unchallenged.

But this does not mean that we have to take on the role of a psychopath who takes pleasure in killing innocents. We can provide the obedience that Kyros expects from him and at the same time not be a tyrant. Such character development is also possible. In addition, the high social status of our hero allows even small decisions to greatly influence the state of the world. The player can shape the future of the game world and its thousands of inhabitants.

Tyranny starts with character creation. We choose not only the characteristics of the protagonist, but also the course of the war that ends in the defeat of the forces of good. These decisions will have a huge impact on the state of the kingdom during the campaign, so you can choose things like how big the damage to the world is and what the balance of power between the various organizations looks like at the very beginning.

During the game the player mostly explores the world, completes quests and fights. The combat takes place in real time and includes an active pause. Many companions will join the player during the adventure. The relationships with these companions will influence not only the story of the game, but also the combat. The combo mechanic allows the player to create attack combos involving multiple characters. The better the relationships with the party members, the stronger they will be in battle.

Like any other good RPG, Tyranny offers a character progression system. Skills similar to those found in The Elder Scrolls series are developed by using them in the game. Experience points earned are used to gain new levels, thus increasing the character's base stats. The game offers an average of 30 hours of gameplay with additional packs. In addition, after the game ends, you can transfer your existing save to a new game and start the game from that level.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023
