Dadish 3D Is actually a pretty interesting 3D platform and a much more interesting game than Dadish 3: maybe that's just because the game finally feels "fresh", while the third game felt really too similar to the previous ones.
The game is also pretty lentghy, props to the dev for making it one of the few, good free games on mobile!

That said, I still couldn't really enjoy the game to the fullest because of the unstable camera on mobile (which isn't so bad when you get used to it, but still isn't great) and some level design choices I haven't liked since Dadish 2.
NOBODY likes those "friends" levels. They are ass and are just harder than normale levels, instead of cool.
Why can't the big Hamburger just smash random minions? Why does he die when he touch a lil' pizza? WHY DO I HAVE TO RIDE HIM AT ALL COSTS?!

Reviewed on May 09, 2024
