Kirby's Dream Land is very short but enjoyable. Of course, being the first game in the series comes with a few flaws. Movement can feel a bit weird at first but will get used to later on. Controlling Kirby is a bit weird mainly because instead of like using A to jump and inflate Kirby like a balloon, you use the D-pad to let Kirby fly which feels a bit awkward and was the result of some of my deaths. I didn't have much of the slowdowns that many people have experienced, but you'll encounter a few areas that have it

Since copy abilities weren't featured yet, swallowing and spitting out enemies feels nice. Honestly, it's quite impressive that so much personality and charm was able to run on a Game Boy in 1992. While it is short and can be beaten in under an hour, I feel like it's worth playing just to see where it all started for Kirby

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2022
