Ape Escape is one of the weirdest PS1 games I've played that I can't help but enjoy. Ape Escape is a platforming game with the goal being to capturing the wild monkeys scattered around the twenty levels and stopping the evil Specter from ruling the world

The environments and character designs look nice for the late PS1 era, and the soundtrack is one of the boppiest I've seen in a video game. The voice acting (for the NTSC version) is not bad, but the audio can be pretty loud when playing on an HDTV, as I do

The control scheme is one of the more unconventional I've seen. You have the main buttons to switch whatever weapons you've picked in your inventory, and for catching the apes with your Time Net, you use the right analog stick to swing it. The controls might need some getting used to, but it's serviceable enough. Catching them like 15 stages in overstays is welcome, and I just wanted it to be over. The game can also be frustrating if some things are going the way you've hoped, like catching certain types of monkeys that can be a bitch to catch

Ape Escape is a decent game on its own, and while the control scheme might throw off some players, I can see why it's considered a PS1 Classic to some

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2022
