HarmoKnight is one of the two 3DS games that were developed by Game Freak. It's a rhythm game that meets platforming where you jump and attack enemies to the beat, and it's a unique concept that could've been fleshed out a bit more

You play as Tempo, as he sets off to save Melodia and defeat Gargan and his Nozoid army. The story... exists. It's completely basic, but it does the job when progressing through the game. Along the way, you'll meet a few companions that will help you in certain stages, adding a bit of variety to the gameplay department

The music here is... ok. It's not terrible by any means, but it's pretty average and not all too memorable for a rhythm game. The standout songs from the soundtrack are the five Pokémon songs that are unlockable later on, but they're surprisingly short in length. I also find the timing for some segments to be quite off, and that is no more evident than the clockwork and minecart levels. Not only do I feel like they're kind of off-sync, but they're based on trial and error, leading me to retry several times, and I didn't enjoy my time with these

HarmoKnight is a decent 3DS eShop exclusive game. It has a unique concept with a neat art style that could've used a bit of polish. While I enjoyed my time with the game, I think something like Rhythm Thief (another 3DS rhythm game) is worth more of your time. Sad that this has never been ported outside of the 3DS, but if you have a modded 3DS or Citra, I say check this one out if you're curious about the games Game Freak made outside of Pokémon

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
