This one really makes me sad. Arkane is honestly one of the best to ever do it, with some of the sauciest games ever made under their belt. Dishonored to Dishonored 2 to Prey to Deathloop has to be one of the best back-to-back four-game streaks I can think of. Just pure immersive stealth sim genius spread across a series of fascinating worlds with complex stories. But this feels like Arkane tried cooking up a banquet for a hot date just to be told the kids are actually coming back at 9 now so the quicker they can get everything out the oven the better. It definitely feels like there's something missing.

Admittedly, I only played three hours today before realising it wasn't for me, so I don't know; maybe Redfall goes sicko mode in the FOURTH hour. But from what I saw, this is just a bit of a mess. A technical nightmare with frame drops galore and, in my case, freezing every time I entered a new area and something had to load. The AI is wonky and has literally no idea what to do 90% of the time, just running at you blindly while you annihilate it on repeat. The combat is dull and repetitive, and pretty much every battle is easy as even the strongest vampires just float towards you with no tactic other than getting shot in the face.

It's just falls flat, which sucks, because Arkane and vampire hunting sounds like the best combination since some genius thought: you know what would bang? If we made bread that's smeared in buttery garlic goodness. Like, the world is interesting, the shooting is weighty and responsive, and the villains are creepy, but this just isn't fun enough to make me want to sink deeper into that world. I don't think I was ever going to be ride or die for a looter shooter as is, but when it's this underbaked, I can't even try to brute force my way through it for my love of Arkane.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
