low point : - not a remaster at all compared to GTA
- bad graphics BECAUSE not on our current standards
- very old animations

good point : - the same games everybody once loved
- great music (who cares if they lose the rights of one or two songs, seriously)
- the character devlopment (espcially Tempenny and his minions
- I bought at a low price because I'm not impatient unlike some but still about 3-4 months after release
- veryyyy long lifespan
- funny as hell dialogs

I'm not trying to buy this game a second chance, but trying to make you realize something. Everybody loves replaying an old game even a bad retro game, so replaying GTA San Andreas and the 2 others for 15€ still gives me the chills. You can't judge a game just because it's old-fashioned.

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2023
