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December 20, 2019

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The Game Pass train keeps on a chuggin' as I try and get in as much as I can before my sub expires in a few days. All I really remembered about this game was that it was basically the only thing Microsoft had at the launch of the Xbox One X, and people were kinda like "this is IT?" for the launch of what was apparently the new most powerful console ever. I don't have an Xbone X, but I DO have Game Pass, so I figured why not. It took me about 4 hours and 15 minutes (according to the Xbone's Stats clock) to get all 99 clovers in the base game.

It's a really simple story about a fox boy named Lucky who really wants to be a hero just like his cool big sister. Lucky gets his chance when his sister brings back a magical book with the power to contain whole worlds inside it. The evil Kitty Litter (this game has SO many cat puns, omg), a gang of evil cats, tries to steal the book, and Lucky saves his sister by jumping into the book after them but locking them all in in the process. He needs to collect lucky clovers (the stars of this game) in order to unlock gates so he can beat each member of the Kitty Litter and stop their evil father from changing history to rule the world (the book can also change history as well as connect to alternate worlds. It's exactly as confusing as it is entirely unimportant XP).

Super Lucky's Tale is a stage-based 3D platformer that reminded me a lot of the first Sly Cooper game. You run around, can swing your tail to hit stuff, double jump, and there's a fairly generous climbing mechanic to get you on top of a ledge you juuuust can't reach. You can also hold RT to dig underground, and it's an interesting way that they create some timed platforming challenges, as you can't stop your momentum while you're underground, and you exit the underground with an auto-jump. It handles well, but Lucky moves a bit slow. You only have 3 hits before you die, and the game isn't thaaat frivolous with health power-ups, so especially if you're going for max completion the game is surprisingly difficult for what I expected from it.

Each level has 3 goals and a final objective. Get 300 coins, find the secret clover, and collect the 5 letters of "LUCKY". Completing one will give you a clover, with a total of 4 clovers in each level. There are also some bonus stages you can access from the hub areas of each of the game's 4 worlds which are divided into auto-runners, pushing block puzzles, and marble-tilting mazes, which award a single clover each. The level design is good, with lots of nooks and crannies to explore to find coins and LUCKY letters. I'd heard the game had camera issues on the Xbone original, but those must've been patched out or something because I never encountered them. The camera is fixed at one point, for the most part, but you can tilt it from side to side if you need to. The only real flaw to the game is that there just isn't much to it (and also I fell through the floor a few times when I got hit by a projectile from above XP).

Verdict: Hesitantly Recommended. If you can get SLT for like $15 or $20, or if you can play it on Game Pass, I'd say it's worth a play. It's a good game, if utterly unambitious in its genre, but it's also just way too short to justify a high price tag. That new Switch version for $40 does not add THAT much content, and honestly if the game were twice as long it'd only barely begin to approach being worth $40. Maybe for some people this game will be worth that much money, but for any veteran of 3D platformers like me, you'll likely blaze through it fast enough that you'll feel your money could've been better spent despite the good time you had with this.