I absolutely adored the first Dragon Quest Builders when I played it a couple years ago, and was really stoked to hear a sequel was coming out. It came out in Japan a long time before it came out in English, and I was tempted to buy it but put off buying it for long enough for it to come out in English. I really like how the DQ games are localized, so I opted for an English copy (also because the English version of this game is already pretty darn cheap for a game that isn't that old). DQB was a game that I loved, and DQB2 enhances it to the point that it's sorta mind blowing just how much of an improvement it is while still feeling so familiar. I did almost all of the tablet challenges and got every achievement for the game over the course of a week. The game doesn't keep track of play time, but I'd hazard I played it at least 45 hours if not more.

Like DQB1 was based on Dragon Quest 1, DQB2 is based on the story of the original Dragon Quest 2. Hargon and Malroth have been defeated by the Scions of Erdrick, and his followers are in full retreat across the land. You play a builder who was unlucky enough to be caught in a slave raid by some of these retreating followers, but in the process of the ship's captain asking you to do odd jobs around the ship, you begin to develop a kinship with the monsters who've captured you. That is until you get caught in a horrible storm and the ship sinks. You wake up on a mysterious beach next to another unfamiliar person who wasn't on the ship. He's lost all his memory, but knows his name is Malroth. The Builder and Malroth embark on an adventure to figure out the mysteries of this strange world as well as build their Isle of Awakening into the best kingdom it can be.

I really enjoyed the story and the writing for this game. It has a lot of silly puns (especially the monsters) and quirky characters but put together with a story that still has something to say in the end. It almost feels like an animated kids movie in that regard. It has some tone problems at points, where narratively some pretty serious things are happening, but the dialogue, art style, music, etc, don't really mesh well with the gravity of the situation the characters find themselves in. Despite that, it's a really sweet story about how coexistence between presumed opposites is possible, and the duality of destruction and creation. It's hardly gonna win any awards, but it was far more than I was expecting from the game, and is a really neat reimagining of the DQ2 universe (and remarkably, in a very different fashion to how DQB1 reimagines the universe of DQ1).

The gameplay will be very familiar to anyone who played the first DQB, but it also has many meaningful changes that really shift how you play the game. The first DQB is very much an action/adventure game with Dragon Quest aesthetics & setting all around the mechanics of a Minecraft clone. Most significantly is how a multiplayer mode is not some sectioned off piece of content from the main game. In the first DQB, the main game was a series of stages totally separate from each other, with nothing carrying over to the next island you went to, and the multiplayer mode was a cooperative building mode that used recipies from the single player mode but was otherwise an entirely separate entity. DQB2 changes this entirely with the Isle of Awakening where you start the narrative proper. You go to a series of islands, but under the conceit of collecting new inhabitants and materials to create your kingdom on this personal island, and activities both on and off this main island make up the bulk of the game's narrative. You can invite other players over to your island to cooperatively build your island together, and you can even go off to procedurally generated extra "explorer's shores" islands to collect new materials (and if you explore those extra islands well enough, you can unlock infinite supplies of certain common crafting materials so grinding for materials like wood or string is just never a thing). I don't have PSN online, so I never tried this, but it's a fantastic reworking of how you can enjoy building with other people.

Beyond that, there are a lot of other mechanical shifts as well. No longer do weapons break. Tools are a thing you always have, can be shifted between with the X button (which also sometimes means you're talking to people/activating things instead of it, but it's fine most of the time) and activated with R2. This includes a hammer to break stuff, but also a trowel to swap out blocks or put them down a bunch at a time, a bottomless jug to actually manipulate liquids (a feature totally absent in the last game), as well as other tools you'll unlock as you complete challenges on the Isle of Awakening (which themselves are all about building and crafting). Even your weapons don't break, although combat itself is largely the same from the first game. This is all on top of other things like being able to recruit and utilize monsters (for everything as a mount to a terraformer), build buildings in a way to have your villagers automate things like food production, and customize how you physically look irrespective of what weapons and armor you're technically using. The last cherry on top being that the mission design has also been refined a fair bit. It's a fantastic mechanical overhaul that I never realized the series needed until I played this, and now I can't imagine not having them (despite how much I wanna go back and replay the first game X3).

The presentation is fairly similar to the first game in many ways. There's a lot of new furniture (with most all of the unused old stuff being unlockable eventually in the post-game) and block types, but also not THAT much that the game looks totally different. The aesthetic and presentation is still very much that Dragon Quest Builders-style of chibi Toriyama designs, Dragon Quest music, and blocky landscapes, and if you didn't like that in the first game you won't like them here either. I liked them, though, even if the music does get a bit old after a while (especially while story things aren't happening).

Negatives are mostly little quality of life things. The fact that your inventory has been MASSIVELY expanded so you basically never need chests (you can hold hundreds of items at once) is nice, but finding things in it can be very irritating without a search feature. The same goes for finding a recipe you need in the ever-growing crafting list. The same thing being bound to the same button is also kind of a pain, particularly with how R1 is run but also "climb onto monster", which not infrequently led to me getting clobbered in the face when I was trying to flee but instead climbed onto my Sabercat's back. The game is also really weird with how it doles out certain aspects and mechanics of building on the Isle of Awakening, locking them fairly arbitrarily behind completing certain building challenges on the island. It tells you about the challenges, but not about what rewards they might actually hold. It's nothing ever super duper significant, but knowing beforehand that those were there would've been nice, and there's nothing ultimately deal-breaking about any of the game's shortcomings.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. If you liked Dragon Quest Builders 1, this is an absolute must-play. It is everything a sequel should strive to be and more with how well it refines the first game's building mechanics, multiplayer mode, and quality of life features. Even if you aren't a huge fan of the building aspects (I'm not reallllly a big fan of them, but I liked putting new rooms together), it's still an excellent action/adventure game with some Minecraft-esque trappings. I would never expect Omega Force to produce a game like this, but I'll be damned if they didn't absolutely outdo themselves with this one, and I really hope they keep going with this series.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2024
