This game has the potential to be higher but its locked behind the limitation of its controls.

Its music is a headbanger, and they will be earworms after playing. Its art style is super cool and stands out and the sprite art is phenomenal. Its story didnt grab me fully, but i feel its comparable to how Pokemon BW resonated with younger me.

In terms of gameplay, I love the abstraction of levels and difficulty. Difficulty changes drops and encourages you to mix and match to how your feeling, what you want to test etc. Lowering your health for bigger rewards is super satisfying.

Its weakness? Its controls. You wanna play on handheld for this one, as the touch screen is pretty clearly how it wants to be played. Playing on Joycon (yes, singular) is hell, bordeline unplayable due to the lack of accuracy of the pointer and constant resetting. Shared by both playstyles is that its hard to notice when pin commands overlap. While sub pins exist, it doesnt fully fix this issue of using a pin you werent aiming to use.

Its certainly an experience worth enjoying to get you invested in its world and characters, especially when its Sequel, NEO:TWEWY will rock your socks off.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2021
