Welcome back to Yagami Detective Agency, where we catch up with Yagami and Kaito on their mystery solving adventures. Now joined by their friends opening up another agency in Ijincho Yokohama, the map from Yakuza 7. It's nice to explore this map with an actually good combat system this time, and little nods to 7's world while we're here. My only real complaint is how much back and fourth you have to do between the two locations, as it makes things feel a little all over the place. Each location is very fleshed out, but it makes everything feel stretched much thinner due to having to fill both locations with the game's content.

The story this time around is much smaller scale (though it does get a bit bigger later), focusing on bullying and the murdering of them. Once again RGG shows that they've done their research on the subject, and shows it off in spades. The characters for this story are very well constructed, even if the ones from the previous have a little less to do due to the lack of personal connections. It's a bit expected in sequels though in case they wanted to play this before the first game, so I can let it slide though.

As expected of these games, the main story is only a small slice of the pie, as there's so much to do here, from helping out in Seiryo High School to playing the Sega Master System to searching for Squirrels. I spent a lot of time searching for squirrels, because to quote a friend of mine, "There's a squirrel over there, somewhere." Haven't even found half of the buggers though they're pretty well hidden.

Combat is improved too, the system count going up from 2 to 4. The returning Crane and Tiger styles focus on groups or 1v1s respectively while the new Snake style focuses on parries and counters, and the new Boxer style is a rushdown that you can get skills for by engaging with the school content. They all feel great and the increased variety in playstyles that can be changed between on a dime allow for a lot more player expression.

It's no mystery that these games continue to be good, and I know I'll be back here again at some point to dig deeper myself

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024
