Recently I ran into a bit of a problem. See, I'm a noble worker, and my work was slow and dead, I'd already browsed Twitter, and I had to do something. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the space to play on my 3DS, and there was nothing to do in Master Duel, so I decided "yeah sure why not I'll try this" and it certainly did save me for those 40 minutes. You get paywalled pretty fast, so of course I finished the levels pretty early on.

The decorating stuff seems pointless and the main levels are fairly easy to just go through and require memorization (especially for the purple/pink coins) to master, but Toad Rally making you feel like you're racing someone for both speed and coins forces a lot more strategy into the game which is nice.

The stuff where you play 10 quick segments in a row kinda sucks though. It's pure memorization for Purple coins and sometimes you'll be spawned in to where if you don't act quick you'll die.

It's a mixed bag but again for killing some time when I had nothing to do in Master Duel it served its purpose.

Reviewed on May 02, 2024
