This game is also pretty important to me, and yes it ties back to Chihiro let me explain. The story's all well and good, Labrys goes from someone merely mentioned in a P3 Drama CD to having her full story, her pains, and being able to grow from it. The story format itself is really repetitive and it began the great flanderization of P3 and P4's cast (for example, Akihiko only mentions Protein twice in all of P3 but here he is the Protein Junkie for some reason and wrestles bears.), but the payoffs are really good, even explaining certain things you wouldn't expect a game like this to explain or even thought had an explination.

The gameplay is great and I love the Persona system, it's just really unbalanced. Yukiko vs Shabrys is absolutely suffering incarnate since she only has like 3 moves that can break the Bull, two of them being Supers.

But what really made this game special was how it unlocks player tags. Of course, me being me, I wanted to have Chihiro in my tag. However, this game unlocks them randomly, meaning I'd have to play a lot to get her name. I wound up joining a community and playing 1800+ matches, and in those matches I met some dear friends of mine who I still talk with to this day. Even later, I became friends with someone who holds Labrys very dearly, and for most of my online social group from 2012 to this day I have this game and its random name unlocking system to thank.

So yes, making my tag "I Love Chihiro" was very worth it.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2021
