Hey you like big cities right well how about you constantly backtrack in them?
Oh and the best way to get around it is these cars that have awful steering, come to a halt on hitting anything, and can be destroyed with little effort
The levels themselves don't have checkpoints and the guns are clunky
It says you have 8 health but unless you're in Edgemode it's actually 4 lol
Daxter is still annoying as all hell but I'M GOING TO KILL PRAXIS being the literal first fucking thing Jak says takes the cake. Shadow WISHES he was as edgy as Jak holy hell
No Checkpoints lol how do you mess that up

All in all, no. Animations are still good and the movement is still fun on paper, doing a roll jump and ending it with a scatter gun to the face is really satistying. Unfortunately Jak and Daxter are just stuck in an awful game this time

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2022
