I have no idea as to how a fighting game could be this fundamentaly horrendous and still be released.
The "Story" mode is just an arcade mode with the occasional custscene. The tutorial is the worst I've every come across, with paragraphs of jargon coming at you faster than you can comprehend what you're even doing. None of the characters seem remotely interesting or fun (Except for Terry, purely because he's in smash). It would help if there was an actual story mode, telling me why I should care about these characters. This game's roster of characters is almost as big as Smash, but I have no reason to care for any of them at all.
I have to change the level of the CPU in the SETTINGS and not the versus menu, and there's only 5 levels of CPU. 3 was absoultely baby mode for beginner me but then level 4 absoultely creamed me with seemingly invincible moves. Would have helped if half my moves hadn't flat out refused to work and pass right through the enemy without dealing any damage.
And the inputs in this game are so majorly clunky. My fingers hurt from mashing the life out of my controller, and the move I want to do still doesn't come out, even though I have the button inputs on screen, and guess what? I input it correctly. the game just said 'nah fam, I'm not in the mood to let you do this input."
And there's all these other weird gameplay mechanics that are the exact opposite of intuitive, require you to do multiple cancels and inputs that don't work, and have no purpose in the game.
All in all, this is the worst fighting game I've ever seen and I will probably only play a few more hours of it before I uninstall it and burn it from my brain.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2021
