⭐️ Review: B - Tier ”Good”

Based on box art and trailers I went in to this game thinking it’d be a downgrade for the franchise. Boy was I wrong. So much better than Three Houses and a lot of other predecessors. Honestly, quickly became my 2nd fave.

The difficulty curve is just right and the gameplay is outstanding. For a top down strategy rpg it’s almost flawless. Only downside is the characters are pretty one dimensional (plus there’s way too many of them), and the story is lack lustre.

Sure it’s got some flaws, and if you’re here for a riveting story with unique characters then it can be pretty disappointing. I certainly understand the low ratings, but I personally had a lot of fun.


100% = ⬇️ | Soundtrack: “not rated”
(need to complete DLC)

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2023
