A complete atrocity. I'm so shocked and upset that this got through being greenlit. The game doesn't fucking function, it's like I'm playing a debug build, so much rudimentary and important stuff missing. The story is a total letdown with nothing new to offer and the side stuff is at an all time low. This is a complete waste of one's time and money (for me of course, I honest to god couldn't be more ecstatic for the bruthas enjoying the game, shoutout to your fams bro). I haven't hated a game with this much passionate anger before, and it happens to be an RGG game, how utterly sad and fucked up. I'm genuinely worried for the future of the series, I'd much rather have them never touch a brawler formula ever and just keep going with Ichiban's Turn-Based Formula. I've never been this distraught over a game before lmao. The final chapter was the only decent part of the game, everything else was a slog.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023


7 months ago

u playin a whole different game gang

7 months ago

bait used to be believable

7 months ago

This is as non-bait as it gets for me, I got heated up with passionate rage and misery that drove to the point of writing this review. As of rn i finished the game, the finale was good, not good enough to omit my painful time with this shit tho.

7 months ago

Also why tf would I bait like some lowlife asshole? I'm a hardcore RGG fan, I consume their shit like gospel, and that's exactly why this game broke me. Couldn't believe some of the shit they overlooked and swept under the rug. Gameplay related shit mostly, but the story is not off limits from gaining merit in the camp of shitting in my mouth.