I love Dungeons and Dragons. I also love Borderlands (except for CEO Randy Pitchford, he, is a very very very bad word)
So when Borderlands 2 gave us a D&D inspired DLC featuring my favourite character Tiny Tina, I fell in love.
Years later, we have now been given a full length seperate tale of Tiny Tina as the DM for a new group of characters....
It's Borderlands. Everything you know and love about the series returns but with a fantasy twist. D20's act as loot increases, spells are here, in the overworld you are a minature on a game board.
It is at it's core, the same as the other games. It is all the same formula but worded differently to have a more D&D affect.
Which, it absolutely nails. It's fun watching live streams and listening to podcasts about D&D. It is also fun playing games like Divinity that so heavily are like D&D. However, I have never seen anything capture the memes and tropes of a real D&D game like this game does.
I laughed almost constantly at the satire that it manages to pull off with it's jokes. It really does make you feel like you're in a D&D game and all of your party members are real.
Wanda Sykes and Andy Samberg play your two party members, while Ashly Burch plays your DM, Tiny Tina and ALL of them do a great job at bringing you into this world and into the campaign.
Plus the villian is literally voiced by Bojack Horsemans VA, Will Arnett who is also incredible.
The all star cast doesn't distract from it's pretty basic ass plot though. I do love the simplicity of the plot. Go defeat the bad guy! Because it absolutely nails the general vibe of going up against a villian in a campaign.
With there being a very decent plot reveal that I do enjoy but didn't feel needed overall. As if the game couldn't just be for fun, it needed SOME plot to make you go "OHHHHHH"
Which gets a basic ending anyways.
The overall plot is pretty eh, however there are some great side quests.
There is one that jokes on Geralt from The Witcher and it is freakin glorious. So I do like some side quests over the main arching story.
Overall, this game is about D&D. It is a satire and hilarious view on the game that will make any player or DM laugh with how true it all is.
There is a whole side quest literally about derailing the main quest due to a cool looking NPC who has nothing to do with anything. So Tina creates his backstory and quest all on the fly.
Moments like those, made this game a treat to play as a D&D fanboy however there are some issues I have with the main story and it's usage of the same NPC faces that kinda bring it down just a bit.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2024
