Characters - 8/10 - I really love Alexios and Kassandra, plus all of the side cast was super entertaining.

Gameplay - 9/10 - Unpopular opinion but I really liked the combat and traversal in this game, plus the boat stuff was so fun. I liked the skill tree a lot too, picking abilities to have in your arsenal felt really good to increase replayability.

Story - 8/10 - The story of a mercenary looking for their sister sounds alright on paper but this game definitely elevates it by having the choices you make influence the outcome and create different endings.

World - 10/10 - Love, love, loved the world of this game, I think this map is so beautiful and the attention to detail with the terrain is great. The boat stuff is super fun and going from island to island didn't feel like a chore at all.

Side Content - 8/10 - Really liked the side content here, the bosses were great wish there were more, the side quests weren't bad either, maybe could've done with more diversity since most of them were fetching questlines. The collectables were easy and fun however, and the rewards were really cool too.

Need to play the DLC soon, I own it, it's just in my backlog.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
