Characters - 8/10 - Is it crazy to say Bayek is a top 3 AC protagonist?

Gameplay - 7/10 - Felt like a bridge between where Assassin's Creed was and where it's going because whilst there's still traces of the combat from the old games, the different weapons and brutish slugging of the newer games is well integrated.

Story - 8/10 - Like I said, I really like Bayek and so following his story was very engaging, Aya was also very interesting, seeing her take a more political and commanding stance in establishing the Brotherhood was great.

World - 7/10 - For the first big open world RPG I don't think Ubisoft did too badly, it looks very good and I liked the Egypt aesthetic, only complaint might be that kit was too barren, due to all the sand.

Side Content - 7/10 - Felt like standard tedious stuff, most of the time in the post-game I was ticking off city by city the collectibles there, the parkour and camel riding made it slightly more bearable.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
