Characters - 9/10 - Ezio is such a goat

Gameplay - 8/10 - This game is like very buggy and feels like it only works half the time, but when it locks in the free flow parkour and combat is the most satisfying thing ever.

Story - 9/10 - Peak as hell revenge story that goes from a boy seeking vengeance for his father and brothers, to a man toppling a corrupt political faction.

World - 9/10 - Loved jumping around the different cities and the parkour is so accessible, plus it didn't feel like I wasn't making use of the horse as it was definitely usable in most scenarios.

Side Content - 7/10 - I can imagine doing this alongside the story is much easier, but I got so much burnout from picking up all the collectables, luckily the parkour made it easier and more tolerable.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
