Characters - 8/10 - Not including the guys from the anime they're good, I think Towa is very cool.

Gameplay - 9/10 - Building your character and having the movesets and stuff was so cool, loved this games gameplay, being able to use every super saiyan form was a dream.

Story - 9/10 - Not the same story as the anime, however I really liked the original stuff they went with too, if there were more emotional moments from the original story then I'd be higher on it.

World - 8/10 - Was pretty cool, I liked the battle arenas a lot and getting to pic your species and that opening up different areas to have specialised training was cool.

Side Content - 8/10 - I messed with the side quests heavy, getting the platinum trophy for this game was a task and a half and I'm so proud I got all the missions done and got the trophies.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
