Slapshot Rebound is a game which requires a familiarity which is not found in other games, meaning that if you have prior experience gaming, it will not give you a significant advantage.

Each player must deal with the frustrating controls, which are awkward and challenging at first. After a few hours the experience becomes very rewarding, trying out new skills/tactics on your opposing players.

But this is where the major problem with Slapshot Rebound arises, the level of commitment required as a beginner is not worth it to most casual players, resulting in a low player base.

While popularity is not a deciding factor for video games, not many casuals play Slapshot Rebound. It is a tight knit community which have mastered the basics, making it a bit too challenging and off-putting for beginners.

As a beginner myself I had to deal with the struggle of losing matches to higher ranked players, while that may be enough to turn away most casual players, I enjoyed the challenge of improving.

If you are looking for a genuinely rewarding experience for time spent improving yourself, check out Slapshot Rebound for a challenging but fun time.
