Game crashed at the elevator segment, and thank God for that. Never have I seen such a poor excuse for a game in my life, you can barely even call it that. The first minutes are spent preaching that is barely veiled by any form of coherent story or flow. I don't entirely disagree with the game's message, but the way it's presented feels so bitter and condescending that it's hard to wrap my head around. At what point can you call it satire when it's not even being satirical, just vague and harshly critical? Ironically enough, this "game" is sincere, in the fact that it is a seemingly biting criticism of nothing specific. Targeting a whole genre of games while not pointing at any clear names or examples is not a good look, even if your look was terrible already. In conclusion, I made a backloggd account partially because I wanted to talk about this and how much of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad time I had with it.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2023

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Sorry posted on the wrong review, hiii Plumms! been a while good review!