Recently got a PS5 for Christmas, so I'm gonna try to flesh out my diary this year :D

I've never played a Resident Evil game before, so going into this game I had no real expectations for it.
That being said, I had a pretty great time!

Resident Evil 2 is undoubtedly an absolute classic in the horror and 3rd person shooter spaces of gaming. With this game proving to be one of my first experiences playing any shooter, and honestly it did a pretty great job easing me into the genre.

At its core, RE2 is a horror game. While it didn't scare me as much as I'd thought it would, there were a few times it got me to jump. RE2 wants you to feel helpless, it thrusts you into the muddy stinky ass shoes of Leon and Claire, and says, "good luck >:D".

While the game was short, as I was able to beat it in about 2 days, that wasn't really a downside. RE2 wants you to blast through it, crawling and shooting you way from police station, to sewers, to lab.

I really only have two gripes with this game. The first is the amount of backtracking that's required to complete many of the environmental puzzles in this game. Don't get me wrong, I'm not someone who typically likes puzzles in video games, but the puzzles in RE2 challenged me enough to make me think, but didn't beat me over the head, and make me feel like i needed a master's degree in order to complete them. In fact, some of the puzzles are incredibly satisfying to solve, especially without help from YouTube.

My issue arises in the fact that you're required to limp from floor to floor to complete one puzzle, with your character jogging at a snail's pace. While do understand why they made the character's movement so slow in this game, as making Leon and Claire too fast would take away from any dread in boss and enemy encounters, it still felt a little frustrating and clunky when it took 3 minutes to go from A-B just to complete some point and click-ass puzzle.

My second issue is with the game's boss fights, specifically William's phase 3 and 4. I get that the reason you're underpowered in this is again, to make the game scary, but avoiding attacks from William when you can't really run away or dodge roll, can be pretty annoying. Granted i played this on standard difficulty so idk how hard it can get, but it still was a little annoying.

But other than those two gripes, RE2 is an wonderfully made game, and I can't wait to really sink my teeth into the RE4 remake :D

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
