Uppers 2016

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The game die on my machine when I am at the end of chapter 5 but I think I can say a lot about this one.

YSK is one of my favorite studios ever, even if I still can only understand two games, everything they made is just so much unique, so much fun and interesting. Kenka Banchou 3 is a bit disappointing because everything else is more interesting to me, I want to see they doing a story about a guy trying to make a name of his own while having to deal with friendship and his own sense of honor, I want to see a story about a yakuza teacher helping a classroom, a delinquent becoming a better person during three years in school. And Uppers is the same thing. Sure, you have a fun combat for a little portable game trying to do his own thing (in this case being the same thing as animes like Ben-to, High School DXD and others in the same vibe but playable) but man, is so disappointing seeing their most simple titles beings the ones who got translation.

Uppers works well for what it wants to be, is kinda strange to play something that you feel just wrong to not be playing on a Vita but is fun. I just expected way better since this is right after Kenka Banchou 6 and 6 looks like is gonna be one of my favorite games ever.