Ryu ga Gotoku Studio bringing a manga format to video games made them showcase how strong the series is.

The game was made in 6 months but it only works because there's one since 2005. It was made in 6 months but have one of the most strong final fights and segments in games because of how auto conscious RGGS is with their own unique style. It was made in 6 months with a small budget (probably the last one like that) but have the same care as any other game. It's a game about erasing the past to protect the future, about freedom, loneliness and with only 10 hours works very well with all that. It can't be compared with the most strong work of RGGS like Kurohyou, Ishin, 5 but it sure does deserve be at the same rank as them of being very very good. The only complaint I can think of is the skill three but at least is very easy to pick everything you need just a little bit boring.

One of the best games of 2023 easily

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
