This is like if Dead or Alive was made by someone who never touched the franchise and thought it was a porn game with a fighting mode.

Dead or Alice always knew how to use the sexual elements in their fighting games, it was a perfect mix in 5. You want sexy skins? You can have as much as you want. You want to play more normally? You can too. You want just to enjoy how good of a fighting game 5 is? Sure, just go play some rounds in the arcade mode. The story mode was like playing an anime game, the direction was amazing and had so many cool stuff in the chapters and the sexual side never felt as the only selling point. But for some reason, since the beach games are popular people never took Dead or Alive seriously. So how you deal with this? Remove all the personality from the series, try to hide the sexy side (is still crazy how they were thinking Kasumi and Ayane normal outfits were way to much horny), make the simple but complex mechanics of 5 way to much more simple, make a story mode based on Persona Arena Ultimax for some reason and put a lot of bad monetization and try to appeal do EVO folks.

Dead or Alive 6 was a failure because the majors decisions were made with disrespect. Dead or Alive 5 could be easily in EVO alongside Tekken, there's nothing that could make a big problem but they just decided to make 5 without most of the things that makes the series great. Is just sad to see as a fan of the series but at the same time the game being just 5 but weaker is enough to me to like playing for a bit of time. I just hope the reboot don't try to do the same shit.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024
