Shenmue 3 isn't bad because they didn't try to learn from new games. Shenmue 3 is bad because they tried to do the same stuff modern games does, but without Yu Suzuki playing them.

New big world's to explore, with collectable stuff, lot to buy and customize and mini games while having the worst stamina bar I ever seen. Everything new Shenmue 3 does to the franchise is bad in gameplay, maybe the fish but that was very easy and only to farm money. I am sure someone showed to Suzuki the concept of substories from Yakuza and he tried to do without understanding. This game wouldn't be good if RGGS tried to make, this game would be good if he tried to be Shenmue 100% of the time. Give me more personal stuff by training like Ryo seeing his father mark on a tree, Ryo talking with Shenua about his life or calling a old friend, exploring the places in a interesting way. When the game does this, it was amazing, but no, only 2/3 hours of stuff to like.

The gameplay of Shenmue 1 and 2 was amazing, not so hard but I really like how training is the true definition of Shenmue as art (1 even finished with one) but here? Is a shit grind and more grind mini games with a new style made to be more accessible but without knowing how make a combat accessible. Is just grind RPG but with bad controls.

The more frustrating part? This game is so easy to tell why is bad but people only continue to missing the point of Shenmue. I like Eyepatch Wolf but man, the way he affects the view of this game only because he is bad at Shenmue was funny to see.

You have to be very much fun of the franchise for enjoy this. I want to Yu Suzuki finish his tale, I want to see how Ryo will fight Lan Di like a Yu Yu Hakusho fight but man, Shenmue 3 did make me think maybe is better to not see how this will end if a 4 game continues like this.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago
