The most average middle of the road thing you can get out of this series. I honestly love the idea of a 3d Mario game that's strictly a linear obstacle course platformer like the 2d games. Unfortunately by the time they started making games like that, they were insisting Mario had no personality, level themes as basic as possible, and level design without an ounce of creativity or challenge.

Also the tanooki power up completely trivializes what's already a very easy platformer. It honestly does more damage to the game than anything. I already find it too easy without a power up that lets you almost entirely ignore all platforming.

Certainly not bad, just thoroughly unimpressive. Slightly better than Galaxy at least imo since it at least goes all the way with the linear platformer concept instead of pretending it's still a collectation. Keeps the pace up in a way Galaxy 2 pretended to try and do. But yeah I don't really have much to say about it. Kind of a shame they didn't go for the more wacky, unique concepts that the older Mario Land games went for.

-Super Mario 3D World Review Next-

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2023
