I like that this exists just to round out the Darksiders franchise. Now, all 4 horsemen have gotten a spotlight. So like, that's cool. I also liked the light collectathon elements and how they tie into the upgrade system. I'm pretty picky about both collectibles and rpg mechanics in the modern day and those two being okay here kept this from being too miserable. Still nothing great but I'll take gaining buffs from a variety of enemy soul drops and hidden collectibles over "Do a trash fetch quest and now u can unlock the next node on the skill tree" type slop.

Still can't say this left me feeling much of anything. Combat is mashy and unsatisfying. Not a lot of impact is felt when hitting most things. My eyes glaze over whenever I see a modern game that's heavily reliant on a dodge roll/dash button...But at least Strife and War's dodges are both slightly different. Being able to swap between the two at any time makes playing both feel a bit better than the sum of their parts. Some levels drag on, some of 'em open up a bit and are pretty alright. The different enemies aren't super well defined so most of the time it's just the same interaction every time a fight starts. Bosses are mostly just stat checks which is kinda dull but is the one time I was really forced to engage with the upgrades in any meaningful way. Otherwise it's press dodge button right before attack hits, spam attack, repeat until win. I'd slay for an action game a tad more creative, at this point I'm so bored by this kind of thing.

The story is uneventful - and this may be the most abrupt end to a game I've seen...ever. Was legitimately caught off guard when the credits started rolling.

The music and presentation is often pretty dry. Funny enough when the main characters are behind a wall, you see a bright outline of them so you're not blind. The action looks so much more interesting in this flat rendition than it does when you can clearly see. Not a lot of strong visual flairs otherwise.

Fortunately for this game despite a few levels dragging a bit, as a whole it doesn't overstay its welcome. The mercifully short length keeps me from really having any truly negative feelings towards it. A lot of games would have gone for three times the level count and I'd be mashing my head against my desk wondering why I'm still playing. This game stays in its place and for that I'm glad to say it's perfectly average.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
