Obviously a really bad version of the game, I can absolutely see why this had such a miserable reputation during its time. Particularly the hitboxes being so unforgiving to the point ghosts can kill you when you're practically in another lane is rough. (Combined with the hitboxes on the pellets being bad in the exact opposite way, borderline phasing through you) The screeching sound FX, the flickering visuals...Some would consider this an assault on the senses, perhaps most but I'm a virtual boy stan.

Still, 40 years removed from the context of what made this so offensive during its not so glorious days...This is just a goofy lil' oddity that I get a kick out of. I've played so many versions of Pac-Man why do they all have to be good? There's merit to a version of a game being different to the other 20 releases of the same game. (Seriously, type in Pac-Man into the search bar lol) Taking bad design elements as they are and just accepting they're part of the mechanics can be fun. Obviously there's nothing to really praise here and it's not gonna keep anyone entertained very long when they could play more accessible, better made versions of the same game. But this is so different than anything they'd allow to be preserved in the modern era, that I kind of wish they'd let it chill in a modern compilation someday.

If I rated this on how good of a port it is, I'd definitely have to lean significantly lower. But as a game it's just Pac-Man. Not anywhere near as good but it's fundamentally still playable, at least to a casual degree. At least it lets you change the speed of the ghosts and Pac-Man, helps find a balance that you're happy with.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
