I've decided that the only accurate way to explain how abysmal the prose of this game can get is writing a review that mimicks the average text within the game. I'll do my best.

This is technically a Horror Visual Novel. And you guys know how those thingies work, right? C'mon, people, it's in the title!
It's Visual, so you got pictures in it. It's a Novel, so you got lots of words in it. (Not that I mind, you see! I like reading! I'm such a normal and relatable but also regularly adorkable girl!) But the Horror part? That's supposed to be its selling point, right? So, do I think they actually managed it? (I sigh, then unleash 10 more lines of rhetorical questions and useless anecdotes that neither flesh out nor make any of what I'm saying more interesting.)
Unfortunately basically nothing interesting happened in the two hours I could handle playing this before the urge to smash my head against a wall got too strong for it to be safe to keep playing. (I roll my eyes. Sheeesh, this got dark.) Unless you consider the silly jumpscares in the five minutes of actual Horror sandwiched between crappy banter something. (I shrug.)
Oh well, I suppose I'm giving it an extra star for its production value. Part of me can respect this game's ambition. The other part? Well... The other part is very concerned about the abnormally large amount of poor, repetitive writing all those poor, repetitive voice actors were subjected to. Yikes. I hope they got hazard pay!

That's it. There's only so much "I rolled my eyes", "I shrugged" and other YA blathering a woman past her thirties can take. This game feels like one of those 1000k words fanfiction that got this big not because a lot of things happen but because the author doesn't know shit about editing and just puts anything that comes to their mind in it. It's unbearable, genuinely one of the worst VNs I've ever played. If your game is this reliant on writing, for fuck's sake, hone your goddamn craft.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024

1 Comment

24 days ago

You should do a review of the Zero Escape series. I'm sure they'd inspire you to write a similar review.