The gaming equivalent of a nourishing meal.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with occasionally indulging in greasy junk food, but when you put it side by side with a delicious, homemade, hot meal for dinner you can't help but to notice which of them is the real deal.
Chants of Sennaar is the real deal.

It's smart, it's beautiful, it's intuitive, it's touching, it has no business having such a mesmerizing soundtrack. It's also crisp as heck on its fine quality of life detail, with a polishment that is rare to find nowadays.
I couldn't get enough of it; the game spoke to me, especially because it's so rare to find good puzzle games more focused on the Humanities field of knowledge. The only con, if I was inclined to point it out, is that it becomes a bit too easy especially by the last level. I can't really hold it against the game for not wanting their player base ragequitting because they couldn't learn some made-up ideogram system, though. Making things more complex than they needed to be would probably be a steep price to pay just to appease a few etymology enthusiasts (that being me).

The end result is exquisite. In its elegant approachability, Chants of Sennaar is one of those games that makes you happy for loving video games in the first place. I, for one, know that I am.

Reviewed on May 27, 2024
