3 Reviews liked by PostboyWavy

I misjudged this game so badly. Originally I had it at a 3 out of 5, but it's a 5 now. The game has a gigantic roster and it's perfect. The backgrounds in the game are also very well thought out and the graphics are eye popping. This also has extremely smooth gameplay and some of the best of the series. It's extremely well made and my favorite of the Alpha series. This is the ideal Street Fighter experience!


game for people that still listen to Eminem

This game was a disappointment. It has cool ideas and great presentation, but it all gets stained by all the grinding and annoying gameplay mechanics in the main modes.
Male characters look stunning though, Kano in MK11 is one of the hottest video game characters. It doesn't fix the broken game, but gay players will have something nice to look at, at least.