The Adventures of Willy Beamish is a classic Sierra-like point n click adventure from Dynamix, while it doesn't hold particularly well towards its LucasArts-eqaulents it's not a bad game.

It stars 9-year old Willy Beamish, who is spending his summer holiday with his friends, trying to get his frog to win a frog jumping competition. At the same time a big conspiracy is going on, and Willy's dad gets entangled into it. Time to save dad and the city!

Gameplay is your classic Sierra-style point n click. You have an inventory where you can interact and combine items. The puzzles are pretty okay, but there are a lot of timing puzzles which also means a lot of game over screens. Make sure to save often! Not sure if you can softlock yourself, but probably.

The artwork is cartoon-ish, which makes it look good in cutscenes but messy when actually playing. It's sometimes hard to tell where to click or what you even can interact with. Soundtrack is pretty good and up-beat, and while the voice-acting might not be the best it's pretty neat that it's actually there!

This game is probably for hardcore point n click fans or people with nostalgia for it, not really something I'd recommend for beginners. It has a certain 90s charm to it, but that fades pretty quickly. Would be fun to see a reboot of this game though!

Reviewed on May 31, 2024
