Got through 50% of the game and sadly, this is just one of those 'not for me' titles. This is a game made by developers all about capturing the feeling of retro games, and they sure do accomplish that in every way, good and bad.

My biggest gripes lie in what I feel is the wasted potential of the power ups and the super heavy platforming. There is a notable lack of room for error given to the player when moving from platform to platform, even a few steps off and you WILL fall down off into whatever lies below and just the sheer slowness of it all, akin to forcing the character to go through molasses or a permeant water level, just without any of the lower gravity you can experience beneath water.

This issue could be solved through the powerups, but they are only situationally useful. You can only have one per level, and if you are going after a secret of some kind they usually require a certain powerup within the level meaning some levels you are just locked into one if you want to get everything. It was a disappointing realization, to say the least.

I understand where the appeal is for this sort of challenging game, it's just not for me.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2023
