Preface: I only get ending B which is technically the like "not true ending" but I think you can guess why once you read the review.

I started off real high about the game. I'm certainly the last person you'd call a soulslike fan because most games I think kind of feel like shit and don't appeal to me the most. So with this type of genre it's always a coin flip on whether I hate it or a meager likeness to it. So at the start I held a pretty high opinion on the game, the presentation is goregous, I was having fun figuring out the combat, the difficulty was there. Then I just kind of hit a wall.

I can't describe what this wall was but I wanna say it was halfway through the game where some areas were just like "oh cool swamp area where I'm extremely slow I hate this" and the bosses weren't as difficult as earlier. There's not a lot of overt story to really keep me invested in the main character and their adventure. It just turned to almost like a "well I'm this far I might aswell finish it". When I finished the game I realized I was kind of left with just apathy for the game as a whole. So when I got hit with the "non true ending" I just stared at my screen and went "I really don't care".

I know I gave this game a lot of trouble this review but I still implore anybody interested in this genre to give this game a fair shake. While in the end it wasn't worth any more time than I wanted to give it it is still worth experiencing for it's spritework and gorgeous environment design. I can go on about how just absolutely beautiful this game is. So it's a soft recommend if you're into the genre!

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2022
