I only played two hours of this game but it is somehow the worst fucking game I've played in recent years. To the absolute piss poor performance to the absolute barrage of jokes in the game that somehow all manage to fucking bomb. It is insane how bad of a video you cannot make not just in the writing department but also in the actual just video game department. The mediocre gameplay wouldn't even be that bad if it wasn't for the rest of it. Why does this have the most frame dips I've played on a series X when it looks like a unity student game. No FOV slider with the awful camera made me almost want to just immediately quit the game out of motion sickness. The absolute just barrage of Justin Roiland doing his dumb shitty morty voice for the 50th time and me continuing just to play the game straight face. "Oh but you can turn off the dialogue on the gun!" yea but why is it so bad in the first place. If it's default then I assume it's an intended way to play. There was one joke that made me laugh in game and it was the character customization joke. Please for the love of god this game isn't even worth the "well it's on gamepass" because that was my reasoning. Please just go pickup a good game, if you want something with very meh writing pickup Neon White. Atleast that game gives you an amazing video game to play. I cannot reiterate how bad this game runs with the constant frame dips and general bad look. Do not play this game

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2022
