Man this game blows some straight donkey dick but I have actual reasons other than "erm reboot dante bad". I think the writing in this game is fucking abysmal, with just such a fluctuating tone of wanting to take the series into a serious tone while simultaneously making Dante a cocky dick who's annoying. Also the very in your face messaging which feels like the devs don't know how to write a theme/message without having it constantly yelled at you. I also think the whole (spoilers sorry I don't think you should play this game to findout) vergil switchup at the end of the game where he goes "man I really wanna rule the world" is such a dumb twist and anybody who has played any other dmc would see that coming. Playing this game I thought the one cool idea was like "oh shit Vergil is actually just off the rip just a good guy hope they keep that". The combat is definitely something in this video game, the definitive edition truly saves this game from being the worst dmc game to play. The color coding combat with angel/devil weapons and making DT just a "I press button and just whack at frozen enemies" is honestly really boring. While this is fixed in DE by having weapons still do less damage than others on enemies that dont work for them it atleast lets u hurt them now. To have the idea of punishing you in a devil may cry game for mixing between ur arsenal is one of the stupidest idea's I've ever seen executed. Also this game not having a lock on button in the original version is actually insane I don't know what they're thinking and I'm glad I didn't play that version. The game just also visually I find repulsive being hit with the 360/Ps3 uglies I'd call it. Dante just looks really fucking ugly, vergil looks fucking ugly, mundus looks ugly, the enemies are gross. This is overall just a bad time and I think genuinely if this wasn't a devil may cry game at worse it would be an okay game. But having that comparison of what we had before (and what would come after) shows how many missteps they took at a fundamental in this game. To the point that they made dmc4 special edition 7 years after dmc4 originally released as kind of like an apology for this mess. That is all I have to say about this dogshit game

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2023
