This game is the perfect example of not being a genre definer but a genre refiner. While all the ideas presented in this as a video game isn't anything new, it puts all these ideas together to deliver an overall great game. To a simple combat system that manages to be satisfying throughout, to the very interesting 1v1 duels you have throughout the game. This game just makes sure to give you a good time throughout. To a pretty fun stealth system that gets expanded on later in the game with more fun tools to mess around with. I think this game is a great joy to play. This is the game I wanted out of modern assassin's creed games. Pick it up on sale if you'd like I can understand even with dlc included this is a steep price. Big recommend from me and while it pains me that Sucker Punch made this instead of another Infamous, this will suffice for now.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
