This game is genuinely just such a joy to experience. The 5 is purely an enjoyment thing because if I was to think critically there is a couple problems. Like the fact the game fakes you out like twice for the ending and the fact that to get the actual final ending you have to collect every monkey (which isn't a lot but still I didn't do it). Plus the controls can be really weird and take a minute to get used to. But this game is just so full of charm and joy. A very fun and enjoyable experience where I have almost a child like joy seeing these apes run around and me trying to capture them. With the different environments you head to to keep the feeling fresh. All the silly little gadgets you get to capture them and solve puzzles. I also love the soundtrack of this game, very joyous and very fast paced. The bios of the apes you capture accompanied by the pictures gave me such a good laugh. Overall enjoyable time (let me specify I played on the ps5). This game is just pure fun and I can not be mad about that. Play it if you have ps plus premium on ps5 its on the classics catalog. Definitely worth the one month I paid for it.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Such a good game