When I was a small kid I was a big blizzard head. Playing on my brother's copy of Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 3 (I'm begging for a new warcraft game that isn't a shitty remake). When I was a kid when I would see that intro of a Blizzard game I knew I was getting a top tier video game. With the streak continuing with later releases like Starcraft 2 and Diablo 2 and 3. But here we are 10 years after the release of Diablo 3. Despite my gripes with that game i'd say overall reaper of souls fixed a lot of issues and by the end I'd say it's a very good game. In the year 2023 what has blizzard released since diablo 3, Hearthstone, Heroes of the storm (lol), Overwatch, Diablo Immortal, and Overwatch "2". All multiplayer live service games. And not to make this a whole "man modern blizzard sucks" because as you can see by the score im impressed but just to give general background. I was skeptical to say the least about Diablo 4. Diablo 3 was effectively a live service game but the term didn't exist back then. Then all the reviews came out glowing about the game, talking about how content rich the game is. That's when I cemented my purchase for it. And I am fucking glad I did. This is the type of shit I grewup with where I say that when I saw a blizzard game I knew it was a quality fucking videogame. With some of the most beautiful world design in any game of the past years, with the gorgeous story telling through intricate cutscenes both in pre rendered CGI and In Engine, this game is straight eye candy. The music is so great in this game too with the small tunes that play around citys or in important story spaces and oppressive dungeons. The absolute depressing and murky Sanctuary you're dropped into. With the classic diablo gameplay loop to boot. I have truly gotten the diablo brain worm back of going "man can't wait to fall asleep so I can play some more diablo tomorrow". For context I am currently at level 60 on sorcerer and have no plans to finish playing this game soon. The dates logged are merely just for how long it took to beat the campaign. With all the content in the near future and excited for the return of Seasonal Characters. There is just so much in this game NOW and for the near future. Truly a live service game that is complete at launch, with just more content waiting for the years to come. Definitely worth the 70$

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2023
