- New Mon Designs (Across the board)
- Wild Area as a concept is great. (Too laggy and chugs the switch to be awe inspiring)
- Glimwood Tangle

- By far the most hand-holding the series has been
- Towns are mostly lifeless and lack any sort of real uniqueness outside of the Fairy Forest.
- Gigantimax is another "new mechanic" that is barely fleshed out and will most likely disappear in all future games. Not enough pokemon have gigantimax/dynamax forms/animations to make the mechanic feel good. Also when a non max'd pokemon can still one shot a max'd pokemon, it makes the mechanic look silly.

Overall, a disappointing installment where nothing really has changed and the game continue to lack any sort of real improvement on the Pokemon formula.

(Note: Didn't play DLC)

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2021
